Dates for 2023-2024 School Year
August 25th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
September 15th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
September 19th - PTSA General Assembly Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
October 20th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
November 7th - PTSA General Assembly Meeting - 6:00 PM - Library
November 17th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
December 8th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
January 12th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
February 9th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
March 1st - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
March 26th - PTSA General Assembly Meeting - 9:00 AM - Library
April 5th - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
May 3rd - PTSA Board Meeting - 9:00 AM - LGI
May 3rd - PTSA General Assembly Meeting - 10:00 AM - LGI
**Also watch calendar on HOME page as well as our Facebook Page**
Reminders: Only members can participate in PTA business. If you are not a current member, you may become one by visiting
Meeting Rules:
The chair gives the chance to speak to every member who wishes it. Pro and con speakers should be given alternating opportunities to speak, if possible, and all speakers should tactfully be kept to rules of order and to the question.
Each member has two opportunities to speak to the motion. A member may exercise his or her first opportunity to speak and, then, after every other member has the chance to speak, may speak only once more.
All statements must be addressed to the chair and not to another member.
The chair recognizes a member who has not previously spoken to the motion in preference to one who has spoken.
The chair does not enter into discussion. Should the President wish to debate, the chair must ask the Vice President to preside. He or she does not resume the chair until after the final disposition of the question under discussion. The President may vote when the vote would change the outcome (to make or break a tie) or when the voting is by ballot.
Debate continues until no one wishes to speak or until someone moves to close debate.
Members cannot close debate by shouting, “Question.” A member must seek recognition and make the motion properly and requires a 2/3 vote to pass. (“I move the previous question.”)
Question? Please email